"I have spent time working in the mindset of Brad Fewell , the Pro Connect Coaching staff and the method which they deliver and this is one of the best teaching practices I have come across outside of our Danish Federations way of youth teaching. The training and sessions are technically exemplary and a must for all youth soccer players to attend that really want to evolve as a complete player. Brad's ability to train and to see the overall possibility in every player is outstanding. Pro Connect Coaching really understands how to develop each player to the next technical level. All training activity is on a high level and he is a serious working coach!
We are pleased and excited to be involved with Brad and the Pro Connect Coaching program and I gladly endorse this high quality program and I look forward to many more visits from the Pro Connect Coaching program to Denmark!"
Med venlig hilsen
Svend Pedersen
Danish Football Federations Region 4 technical coaching consultant and Esbjerg FC ambassador.
Esbjerg fB er tilfredse med at samarbejde med Pro Connect Coaching og Brad Fewell. Vi håber og tror stærkt på at samarbejdet vil bidrage til at Esbjerg fB kan fortsætte sin udvikling som en stærk og positiv faktor i dansk og europæisk fodbold. Brad Fewell er med sit store engagement og kvalificerede kendskab til fodbold en spændende samarbejdspartner med Esbjerg fB og vi håber at samarbejdet fortsat vil udvikle sig hen over de kommende år.
Dan Guldager Jensen, Talentansvarlig for U13, U14 og U15.
Esbjerg fB is pleased to be working with Pro Connect Coaching and Brad Fewell. We hope and strongly believe that this cooperation will help Esbjerg fB to continue its development as a strong and positive factor in Danish and European football. Brad Fewell and his great commitment and qualified knowledge of football are an exciting partner to Esbjerg fB, and we are looking forward to see this partnership evolve over the coming years.
Dan Guldager Jensen, Esbjerg fB Head of Development for U13-U15.
Dear Pro Connect
Thanks again for accommodating us tonight and for another great lesson.
I really believe in what you’re doing—it’s by far been the best training we’ve seen in MN.
With best wishes,
My son is now 10 and has been training with Pro Connect for over two years. My son began training with them as a raw eight year old with a limited skill set and is now a confident U10 Maroon level player with advanced skills for his age. It is truly remarkable to witness how much my son's skill level has improved while training with them.
This past summer Clinton was struggling to find consistency with his shooting. Over the course of two weeks, they diligently worked with him, identify the issue with his form and was able to correct it. Developing an effective and consistent shot has made my son become much more confident on the pitch.
We've attended a wide variety of the Pro-Connect programs (private, group, finishing skills. Clinton loves them all!
I am also a head coach and have integrated Pro Connect's private team sessions into our weekly training. Regularly attending Pro Connect's team training continues to improve our team's overall play on the pitch. Our players and their parents truly enjoy training with Pro Connect.
As a coach and parent, the best advice that I can give committed players is to train with Pro Connect. In my opinion, it is bar none the best training program in the Twin Cities.
Thank you!!!
Clinton and Brian
My son Morgan has been training with Pro Connect Coaching since he was a U8 player. This past year Morgan helped his team win the USA CUP and MYSA State Championship at the U11 C1 level. As the central midfielder on his team, Morgan needs to be able to control the game, distribute the ball, attack 1 v 1, defend, and get a shot off when needed. He has learned all this through the various training programs at Pro Connect Coaching. One winter session when Morgan was U10, they worked on ball striking and getting the shot off by creating ball space. Morgan's very first winter league game he scored a goal and immediately after the game he said "Did you see how I did the Cryuff move to get my defender to go right, used a left cut to change direction back, then an outside touch to create ball space for my strike. We worked on that this week at Pro Connect" he said. I was impressed that he referred to his training session and knew right there it was money well spent because he was applying the skills learned from his Pro Connect Coaching sessions.
If Morgan was not improving, learning, and having fun he would not be on his 4th year of training with Pro Connect Coaching. I would highly recommend Brad and Pro Connect Coaching to any player looking to improve all aspects of their game. The sessions at Pro Connect Coaching are well thought out and the skills learned are encouraged to be used during the small sided games at the end, which is Morgan's favorite part.
Thank you Pro Connect for teaching Morgan the skills needed to play at a high level. We look forward to another year of training.
Chris Olson
Just an extra sidenote:
Morgan is now part of the u14 Minnesota United FC DA professional academy program.
Hi Pro Connect.
We would like to share this with you. Isaiah is now playing u14 this fall and he didn't start playing traveling soccer until the Spring. He only did recreational soccer all of the years leading up to that. When we saw that he really loved the game, but knew that he didn't understand the tactical aspects of the game or have the skills that the other players had even at the C2 level, we researched options for training on those skills and came to you. We had no idea that in one year of various training with you and your training program that he would develop enough to go from a newer u12C2 player to making an Elite u14 boys program the first time he attempted to tryout for such a program. Again, thank you for your work with our son. We owe his improvement this year to be able to do this to you! Thank you for your time and wisdom with him! We will definitely be a referral source for you as we interact with other soccer parents. Very best regards, Erika and Matt Clausen
To any one considering training or looking into the Pro Connect Coaching programs.
My daughter took on camp sessions with Pro Connect Coaching International in preparations for her u12 try outs. I was really impressed with Pro Connect - how they ran the sessions and how he related to my daughter. The trainers were incredibly encouraging and motivating. They clearly communicated how to perform any given skill he was teaching her and how and when to use that skill in a game. My daughter really enjoyed the sessions and the training she received. The skills she learned have taken her game to another level. She made her U12 C1 team. I will continue to have my daughter take lessons from them because she gets high level, specialized coaching that she just can’t get from her team practices.
Chris LaPalm
Hi Brad and the Pro Connect Coaching staff
We just wanted to take this opportunity to let you know of our thanks to you and your program for all you have done for Logan over the past year.
He attended your schools all last winter and this summer and has just signed up again for further training with you and your setup. He has said he is receiving the very best training experience ever, and he has been to pretty much all the training programs there are to go to. He is currently now one of the top players on his premier team thanks to you and your training over the past year!
Every session he came back saying that you taught him things that his premier team coach, ODP program or club training has never taught him before. Your eye for technical detail is great and he really loves the fact that in his words, "You really get it". Thank you also for your opportunity in taking him to Europe for your invitation for the European Academy Experience training program. He is looking forward to it.
Thank you so much and we look forward to all your upcoming sessions. We have a few other players now interested in coming to you!
Diane Grace (Logan's mom)
To any parent that has a soccer player that is really serious about their child's soccer and general all round development.
We are so thankful that we connected our son with Brad at Pro Connect. Brad greatly helped our son in his skill development as a soccer player through his use of individualized instruction and developing a program that really targeted the areas that our son needed to work on. Perhaps just as important, Brad also worked hard with our son to build his self confidence and taught him how he approach things that are challenging in all areas of life by using soccer as an example.
This combination is rarely found with trainers and we truly feel that this is what helped our son become a stronger, more confident player. Truly thank you for all your work with Connor this past spring and summer. It made a difference in more ways that just on the field. We will see you again soon. We will continue to recommend you to soccer friends.
Connor's mom (Lisa)
Our son started training with Pro Connect in the fall of 2014 after attending the Talent ID camp. At that point he was an average C2 player and was struggling to improve as he was a striker on a very defensive minded team. We had tried other programs before without much success due to large size groups and a wide range of ability levels all lumped together. During that half day camp our son completely came alive with a true love of the game and wanted to do winter training sessions at Pro Connect. Brad worked with our son in a small group setting over the winter and taught him so much about foot skills, tactical skills and also finishing. Brad expects a lot during the training sessions, yet they are also always fun and importantly he not only explains how to do something but also why it should be done that way and when to do it. This sticks with the players even in game situations when things move quickly and the ball isn’t always exactly where you want it. The other part about this program that we felt set it apart from others was that there is some conditioning that also occurs during the sessions. During spring and summer ball we had numerous inquiries from other parents asking how our son had improved so much over such a short time and we definitely owe that to Brad’s training and conditioning with our son. Four games into the start of his high school soccer career and he already has two hat tricks and is the leading scorer for his undefeated team. Needless to say, he is already pressing us to make sure we are setup for winter sessions at Pro Connect.
Thanks for all you are doing with this wonderful program,
The Fosdicks
"We are pleased that we found Pro-Connect to assist our daughter Taylor in further developing her soccer skills. Over a few short months, our daughter became a more skilled and confident player. They focus on hard work, proper technique and skill mastery. They communicate clearly how to perform the skills he is teaching and when to use these skills in a game. He stresses the importance of developing individual skills while still focusing on the importance of playing as a team. Pro-Connect is a positive environment and Brad is encouraging with the player and highly motivating. We would highly recommend Pro-Connect in providing quality soccer training. Brad takes an interest in the player and encourages them to strive to reach their full potential. Our daughter will definitely continue to have sessions with Pro Connect to further her soccer development."
Frank and Jamie Rimell
New Brighton, MN
The Pro Connect training programs our son has taken have been fantastic for him. Aidan has done a camp, small group training, and individual training. The coaching has been excellent. Brad and the other coaches provided an intensive learning environment while making the experience fun. The individual training has helped in exactly the way we hoped it would. The sessions included as many new concepts as our son wanted to learn, with the coaches making him work on mastering the skill and then how and when to use that skill in actual match situations. Brad and the other coaches helped our son better understand how to attack his opponent with what he was learning and to be confident. All of this was done in quick progression from one skill and concept to the next as quick as Aidan could soak it in. The sessions included how to better take the shots, when to take them, and introduced new skills that he could not get in a larger team setting. The coaches provided what our son was looking for – namely a program and coaching that would focus for 60 minutes on mastering individual skills, learning advanced new skills, and how to apply those skills in game situations. Our son loves the sport and wants to work to get better, Brad and the coaches definitely encouraged and continued increased that enthusiasm. We highly recommend Brad and Pro Connect and always look forward to the next session.
Thanks again
Why I Think ProConnect Helped Me. (Will Shavee. u13 Pro Connect Student.)
I think that Brad got to know me as a player right off the bat. He was honest about my "grading", and pushed me to the limit every session. Every time I worked with him he was always teaching me new things, about skills I thought were just the basics. He focused on my weaknesses but didn't let my strengths go unnoticed. I was compelled to work hard every session, and out of all the training I have ever done this was for sure one of the best.
Wills Mom: Sarah
Brad connected and assessed our player quickly. He was honest, objective and factual with his evaluation. It was evident that brad was intent on achieving optimal results in a short amount of time. Brad has a unique ability to capitalize on strengths to address areas of weakness. My son left each session with a sense of accomplishment and confidence in his new skill set. He will be back.
We heard about Pro connect through our soccer association. My kids weren't progressing and were falling behind competitively. They both loved the game. My 11 year old girl and 13 year old boy took private lessons and a week of group classes and they have advanced in the game of soccer light years over other soccer programs and training that I had them in. Plus they enjoyed and wanted to go to the training sessions.
I can't say enough what great training Pro-Connect provides and instills the love of the game.